Sunday, 11 March 2012

Roger Simpson about "Adam and Eve"

Roger Simpson about "Adam and Eve"
Acrylic on Canvas 80cm x 120cm
This is a work from a bright young artist called Rares Timofte and his painting of 'Adam and Eve' shows what a talented young artist he is with the lovely bright colours of the instruments standing out against the background. I'm not personally attracted to semi abstract work of this kind but I can tell at a glance that this artist is going places, the warm reds and violets of the instruments contrast nicely against the little touches of cool blue in the background. The yellow ochre's contrast nicely and compliment the little flecks of blue and which are also added to the instruments creating a unified composition. Altogether this painting is well constructed, has a good subject and harmony and altogether is a wonderful painting by Rares. 
Roger Simpson -